When Do You Need Emergency Pipe Repair?

burst pipes

There are numerous scenarios in which emergency pipe repair services become indispensable. Get in touch with Nu Flow South Pacific for emergency pipe repair in Kihei, HI when any of these instances arise.

Backed Up Sewers

Whenever your sewer system experiences a backup, it’s typically caused by a blockage that has accumulated but cannot pass through the drains properly. As a result, the sewage has nowhere else to go but back out where it went in. It’s an unpleasant situation since backed-up sewage releases an extremely unpleasant smell. Additionally, you might hear gurgling noises coming from your plumbing and even witness sewage seeping up through your drains.

It’s important to act promptly and request emergency pipe repair as soon as you observe these indicators.

Overflowing Toilets

While many homeowners can fix an overflowing toilet by using a plunger, there are occasions when the issue requires more urgent attention. If you cannot clear the blockage, it is advisable to quickly turn off the water supply valve and promptly request emergency services from a trusted pipe restoration professional.

Burst Pipes

There is probably no bigger pipe-related emergency than a burst pipe. Whether it was due to excessive water pressure, severe damage, or advanced corrosion, a burst pipe is not something that any property owner would want to deal with. This is why it’s best to get the problem sorted out as soon as you spot the issue. 

Rather than take risks and hope for the problem to resolve itself or go away on its own, we encourage you to contact Nu Flow South Pacific for prompt and reliable pipe repair services.

Contact Nu Flow South Pacific