The Common Myths and Misconceptions About Trenchless Pipe Lining

pipe being repaired Honolulu, HI

Trenchless pipe lining is a modern and innovative way to repair or replace damaged pipes without digging up your property. It involves inserting a flexible tube coated with epoxy resin into the existing pipe and curing it with heat or steam. The result is a new, seamless pipe within the old pipe that is stronger, smoother, and more durable. However, there are some myths and misconceptions about trenchless pipe lining that may prevent you from choosing this option.

In this blog post, we will debunk some of the most common ones and show you why trenchless pipe lining in Honolulu, HI is a smart and cost-effective solution for your plumbing needs.

Myth 1: Trenchless Pipe Lining Is Not Suitable for Various Pipe Materials

Trenchless pipe lining can be used for a variety of sewer pipe materials, including cast iron, galvanized steel, concrete, and clay. Epoxy pipe lining can bond with almost any surface and create a seamless and leak-proof seal. No matter what kind of pipe you have, trenchless pipe lining can restore it to its original condition or even better.

Myth 2: Trenchless Pipe Lining Reduces the Diameter and Flow Capacity of the Pipe

Some people worry that by adding a layer of epoxy resin inside the pipe, the pipe will become narrower and less efficient. Trenchless pipe lining does not significantly reduce the diameter of the pipe. In fact, it can increase the flow capacity of the pipe by eliminating corrosion, scale, and debris that may have accumulated over time. CIPP lining, which stands for cured-in-place pipe lining, can also improve the hydraulic performance of the pipe by creating a smoother and more uniform surface.

Myth 3: Trenchless Pipe Lining Is More Expensive and Less Reliable than Traditional Methods

Trenchless pipe lining and cast iron pipe lining have been around for decades and have been proven to be effective and durable in various applications. Trenchless pipe lining can also save you money in the long run by reducing the need for future repairs or replacements. Trenchless pipe lining results can last up to 50 years or more with proper maintenance.

Myth 4: It’s Hard to Find Qualified and Experienced Pipe Lining Contractors

The last myth about trenchless pipe lining is that it is hard to find qualified and experienced contractors who can perform it. Some people think that trenchless pipe lining is a niche service that only a few companies offer. Trenchless pipe lining is a widely available and popular service that many reputable and professional pipe lining companies offer. You can easily find a trusted and certified contractor who can provide you with high-quality trenchless pipe lining services at an affordable price.

If you are interested in learning more about trenchless pipe lining, contact Nu Flow South Pacific today.

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