Can Trenchless Pipe Lining Be Done All Year Long?

pipe lining equipment

With the new year approaching, you might wonder what to do if you come across congested sewer lines or leaking pipes. Since conventional methods can be time-consuming, stressful, and challenging, your options are narrowed down to trenchless solutions. Luckily, with Nu Flow South Pacific, it is possible to restore your pipes efficiently with trenchless pipe lining in Honolulu, HI.

Pipe lining companies are often open for business all year round, and this is because trenchless services have a distinct process that can be carried out in most weather conditions.

Trenchless Pipe Lining: What Is It?

Trenchless pipe lining, also known as CIPP pipe lining, is a pipe rehabilitation method that doesn’t involve extensive excavation. Trained professionals use special equipment to locate and inspect the affected sections of your sewer line. The access points are then utilized to insert a resin-saturated epoxy liner into the affected pipe.

The next step in the epoxy pipe lining process is to use steam or UV light to cure the liner as it adheres completely to the interior, resulting in an essentially new pipe-within-a-pipe.

To ensure that everything is perfect, the drainage pipes are re-examined after installing and curing them. The trenchless pipe lining process is completed with a second inspection to make sure that there are no flaws in the lines and around the joints.

Trenchless Pipe Lining and Why It Can Be Done No Matter the Season

Traditional dig-and-replace methods obviously cannot easily be done on frozen ground, if at all. But with trenchless options such as cast iron pipe lining, very minimal digging is done, so less time is devoted to accessing the damaged pipe. Furthermore, the curing process is aided by various methods and technologies, and are monitored closely for optimal results every time.

Should you need pipe lining services, Nu Flow South Pacific has got you covered. Contact us for a service appointment.

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